Feb 20, 2014

My Hangul Class

Who have thought that working here will fulfill one of the items on my life's checklist- going to Korean Class.

Working back in Manila, I remember myself going to Korean Cultural Center to see the possibility of enrolling to their Hangul lessons. But it didn't happen, my work shift never permitted me to. But the thought never faded, and it so happen when I'm already here they are doing it for free (I was like, OMG!!! I could've paid a thousand when I was in Manila and here its for free) I was in a totally EXCITED MODE(my mind was repeatedly saying, "YOU SHOULD ATTEND!"). A week after that I found myself asking a Korean Intern "Is this the Korean Class?" I was so early that time.

Our class picture (not all were present though). From left to right: Cathy, Juvy, Kuya, DJ, Heather (Hyekyung), Me, Woody, Daisy (Suhee), Joko
Then my Wednesdays end at 7pm, (I don't intend to OT for work on this very day). And I go home pronouncing the words I learned to my boardmates. Hahaha. They think I'm weird sometimes but it doesn't matter, I love doing it.

I asked, "How do you pose in Korean?" and they taught us this.  Korean pose, everyone..!

But, apparently, the class started November last year and I have just attended their January classes. I am way to late, right?? But those Korean Interns understood that, so after our last class, they emailed us with the previous lessons to study on.

 I had so much fun learning and meeting new people!! :D