Sep 11, 2021

Do grades matter more than grit?

If grades are the sole measure of a person’s worth... then I may not be deemed worthy (men I’m just surviving, drifting as I go lols) 

Funny how some people downsize someone’s worth into digits. Or are they too narrow-minded to think so? They must have not factored in, you know, other variables that make up a person as a whole. 

Because grades are just numbers that 10 years from now, I doubt would even matter. We are on and about with our lives, paying the bills, raising kids (if we happen to marry), starting a business, and probably working on that job we always wanted. 

Grit matters too, even more than grades, if you want to survive in this world.

Sep 7, 2021

One year in Ghent

My arrival wasn’t a pleasant one. 

The gray sky above our heads, empty streets, rainy afternoon — sort of became our welcome parade.

For me it was a normal move to a different place that I do every once in a while. Nothing special, no spark (really sounds like a downer 😅). It didn’t feel like I was in a different country at all, except that I see different races, fancy streets, and old iconic European facades. 

The pandemic probably spoiled all the excitement and fun that I had. I had my mind set on a worst-case scenario mode which continued until the end of the semester. Its a defense mechanism that I do when I don’t want disappointments to get into me (more like pretending actually 😁). 

Anyway, fast-forward with all the drama... here I am on the same city I came into a year ago but with a different vibe to it. It’s totally not the same from when I left it months ago. Life in it is back and I’m loving it.

Cheers to Jekk and I as we celebrate our one year of chasing the great perhaps, navigating through complex drama, and creating memories to last a lifetime. 😊