Mar 21, 2021

An escape from lockdown


Despite its convenience, phone camera photos aren't as high res compared to real cameras. Probably one of the things I should've done is bringing my camera no matter how heavy it is. :)
Despite its convenience, phone camera photos aren't as high res compared to real cameras. I should've brought my camera no matter how heavy it is. Now I'm stuck on using my phone for the next two years :)

This is just sublime. 

I have always loved being on high ground where I get to relish the wonderful view that is before me.
In the past five months, I was seldom outdoors. It felt like I was in a cage for so long. This is the farthest that I've been to so far here. Breathing in this kind of fresh air was like a luxury - this is view too.

We waited for a bit until dusk. Soon after, the city slowly lit up. Night and day I love it the same.

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