Oct 9, 2023

Tribute to a Professor

For World Teacher's Day, my teacher deserves the spotlight albeit now in her eternal repose...

Development Communication (DevCom) was not my first course of choice. I wanted to take Information Technology (IT), although a teacher in high school suggested to take DevCom since I planned to study at Visayas State University. I was handling our school publication then, perhaps she saw me as fitting for the course. When I went for enrollment, IT was not offered, only computer science. I thought of enrolling in Biology (since I believed I had a knack for memorization 😅) but that chat with my high school teacher convinced me to enroll in DevCom instead. 

Later, I would found out that Ma’am Cagasan was the sister of my secondary teacher. She was the head of DevCom during our time. I was shy when I entered college and this familiarity didn’t help either. So, I refused to keep in touch and distanced myself from people who might know me from secondary. My reluctance to be in the limelight set aside my strong interest in applying as a writer at my University’s school publication. However, I took on a leadership role in our course’s student organization. I remember for two years, as we conducted a mock exam for aspiring DevCom students that we organized at DeCSo, our student organization, simultaneous with the student publication writer screening, Ma’am Cagasan would briefly approach me when no one else was around and convince me to try out the Amaranth screening. I never did. I believed I was never really cut for it. I also never liked the “cool kids” handling the school pub and their intoxicating aura.

Ma’am Cagasan handled news writing and feature writing during our batch. I remember news writing was not my forte. When I got my paper back with red inks, she whispered something that I would never forget “Daie, ayaw palupig”. The words were as if reminding me that my secondary experience in writing was not for naught. 

When I was too worried that my thesis would get too much revision, she helped me refocus. I would then be the first to have my thesis signed and printed in my batch.

She was the refuge of students who felt lost in academics because of her approachable and good nature. Her comments were meant to improve you not humiliate. And her aura was never intimidating and dominant when others were. 

The outpour of love and appreciation she receives in her eternal repose is a true testament to the lasting impression she made on students who were lucky to meet her. 

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I want to hear from you .. write down your thoughts XD