Oct 12, 2013

Questions?? Don't ask.

I'm starting to live my life without bothering how people might react to what I'm doing. It feels relieving and seemingly surprising how much burden was taken out of me- it is so much better now, but problems are always there of course. Regardless of how free I am now, I still can't forgo people who question me a lot. Those are the forbidden questions I hate to answer. Like "What are you doing now?, Where do you work?, What would you do next?" Shhhhhhh.. The moment I hear these queries, I want to disappear for a moment. Because I don't know the answer yet and I see judgement in their eyes which affects my optimistic view of life.

So I see avoidance as the most effective way not to encounter questions like those. Cause as much as I try to explain my side they will never understand my reasons. It will be just a waste of time so I decided to keep my mouth shut and talk only to those people who can empathize and understand what I'm doing. I live my own life not to impress other people after all. Might as well do the things that I want to do with consideration that it doesn't get out of the line. :D

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I want to hear from you .. write down your thoughts XD