Jul 8, 2014

My way of using Facebook

Facebook has been my weekly routine . I never fail to check on it, post status and update my pictures. But it is also the site that I am very much careful of when it comes to posting and people. Here are few things that I'm very much particular about:

Adding people and confirming friend requests

Increasing the number of facebook friend's list, without normally screening it, is I think some people do. I' ve been like that, but then, I started receiving messages of foreign people I am not even familiar with. I've become very conscious that they might have been stalking my personal information that was so public then.  So I started to unfriend people I am not familiar with and I've become careful on confirming friend requests from people adding me as friend.


People I avoid

There are times that posts get out of the line and are not for public view. When I was in college, I often customize my posts about outing, get together with friends and all those teenage activities that might not be that much pleasing for people in the academe. I don't want them to caught me having videoke instead of doing my homework.. Hahahahahaha

Girl Things

A post about a crush usually creates  a topic of discussion within group of friends. Everything about my crush are posted in specific audience. When it comes to topics like this, I post it only to my close friends,  I don't want to be caught off-guard by just posting squeal moments.


Facebook is also where I thresh feelings out. When I'm so angry about a person or just wanted to rant about something, I post it. I would usually post an angry statement hoping that it would be addressed to the  person I hate to make him aware I don't like him. But at times, I really need to be careful about people who might think I'm over reacting, so what I normally do is post my status except from these people. :D

Managing settings

I consider some information in my account as personal and are not for public view, whether it be pictures, posts, personal information, and  friend's list, these can only be viewed by me, family and close friends. So customizing my Facebook settings to a particular audience is really important. I also change my password after a year or two to protect my account from potential hackers.

Start managing your own facebook account wisely! :D :D

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I want to hear from you .. write down your thoughts XD