Feb 12, 2017

I am now an RD subscriber!

Little dreams do come true.
I first got a hold of a readers digest magazine when I was in high school. It was a luxury for me then. As a student who barely had an allowance to survive the week of commute, money for buying good-reading materials is definitely off the list.
My good high school friend knew I have become fond of reading so she brought the magazine to our class. Aware that I got hooked to it, she brought more issues of the '80s and '90s scavenging them from the dusty old hidden corner of their house.

Obviously, the magazine was never mine to keep so after three days or so I had to return it in exchange for a new one. She was very kind to me even, letting me borrow 2 to 3 issues at once.

We both graduated and that stopped. I also got busy acing my college years and never had the chance to procure or borrow one. But those little desires of the heart come eventually sometime in one's life. My boss where I work at is fond of the magazine, subscribing herself to it for more than 20 years now.  This perked up my urge I have forgotten more than 10 years ago. With my boss's support, I am now officially subscribed to it and enjoy digesting every story there is in each issue. 

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