Feb 22, 2016

My 2015 in review

This is a new year, a new chance, and new life for me. I can still imagine how I struggled to end 2015 most of the time crying and keeping myself together. It was the worst end-of-the-year I had so far :(. Even though how awful the year 2015 turned out to be, the beginning of it was not that bad. There are still memories worth the rundown when it comes to travel and other special events that made me very happy. But for the past year's highlights, I'll enumerate both the good and bad moments.
Volunteers again
I encountered another batch of youth volunteers last year and gained new friends. The feeling of being with people you have a similar experience with creates an immediate bond. It wasn't difficult to get along with them, really. My enthusiasm brought me to joining their deployment in their respective communities and end up partying in the town fiesta. We had a night full of fun and stories spilled.

My Birthday
My friends did a Mañanita for me. It was kind of expected already but my crush joined them in doing it and that adds to the surprise. I got teary-eyed actually while worrying about my messy room, haggard face, and unworn bra hahaha. That was embarrassing-kind-of-happy!

Second time in Negros
I had the chance to visit, Peñalosa Farms, as one of the perks of my work. Really glad to know how things work on an organic farm and how brilliant Mr. Peñalosa is. Their own brewed tea made me appreciate drinking tea more. It was the most efficient colon-cleansing I've ever had - I realized this in the middle of our long-hour meetings. harhar

Another work-related the trip brought me back to my hometown. But it was a first for me to experience the first-class resort Bohol has to offer, and it was superb. The food was fantastic, the room minimalist and elegant, and a great experience. I haven't gone to Alona before awed. It is truly one of the best resorts in Bohol. It made me even more proud of my province!

First trip to Southern part of Mindanao
Again, another perk of my work. I never thought I can be in these places and I'm glad I did. I had a glimpse of Mangudadatu's wealth and passed on the dangerous places I only see on TV. Soldiers walking on the streets is just normal but it freaks me out every time I see them holding their firearms. Yet what we see on TV is exaggerated and that's according to people who are from there.

I fell into a deep hole
I fell so deep that I had to rethink my choices and find an immediate solution to the situation I fell into. It was receiving a bullet before I even know it. My mind almost surrendered, yeah, but here I am still breathing and actively thinking.

First time to confess to someone
 I don't know if this is worth posting but I want to. This is one of the remarkable (crazy) moments I had, I should say. It didn't go well, by the way, if you'll ask. And now I'm trying to move on (cries).
But I'm glad I've become mature enough in defining my feelings for someone, it isn't shallow anymore. I now see the essence of a person inside-out.

Finally had my long solo travel
Our family decided to visit my father's relatives in Bicol. As I'll be coming from Nueva Ecija, I traveled alone to get there. The 13 hours bus ride didn't fail me in my desire for solitude and deep thinking. My emo mode was on the whole time, and the life story of a mother beside me made me even more emotional.

2015 was me being lax and being quite rebellious about decisions. I gave myself a chance to loosen up and it was very liberating. But it took some things though, I lost my credibility, discipline, and focus. So, this year is the time to put everything in balance so I won't get lost along the way of discovering more about myself while enjoying this beautiful world. Analyzing every detail of life is frustrating but I had to deal with that - it is part of human survival.

I still don't know what this year will be, but I hope that whatever it might offer I've made myself ready.

*Will add pictures later, had to finish work-related stuff :)

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I want to hear from you .. write down your thoughts XD