Jul 10, 2013

Emma did a braid on me

After work, is the most relieving part. We hadn't done anything productive for the day so I went straight home.
Emma has been practicing her weaving skills in making bracelets which is really fascinating. She made me choose some colors the other night so she can make one for me.  (But I guess I need to wait before it is done, since it takes time to make one). Well, for the meantime she tried to do a braid with my hair using yarn. I had misunderstood what she meant by braid though. She has done like a strand of hair covered with yarn. We don't actually do it here, but Emma said that they usually do it during holidays.

This is how it looked like.
 Still had it the morning after. :D
Braid in the Philippines is actually the criss-cross kind of hair weaving. But in UK this kind of hair weaving is called French Plait. That's a good knowledge, at least now, I know the difference. :D

One thing I have known. Smiling always in UK will make them think you are crazy. It is funny though cause we Filipinos tend to smile to strangers without meaning to. It's a kind of acknowledging your presence and being friendly to other people. Or in some cases, a sign of greeting instead of saying something. 

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