Jul 9, 2013


Being out place isn't necessarily a choice. You couldn't just say that a person's out of place because he chose to be. The other factors that a person might be talking is because he doesn't know the topic in the conversation. As much as he try to get in he can’t cause he has no knowledge about it. Trying it might get him into embarrassment or be labelled as "know-it-all" or "feeler". In terms of being conversational, I think we are meant to choose a topic that is not generic to other people so everyone could talk back to every topic you throw at. Atleast I know where to exclude and include people in the conversation. If you don't maybe you are being rude.

 Sometimes being idealistic goes out of the line. I still prefer manner than intelligence wherever I may put it. Idealism leads to hypocrisy when always practiced. 

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